Κοσμίδου Μαρία – Ελένη

Κοσμίδου Μαρία-Ελένη

Τομέας Νόησης, Εγκεφάλου και Συμπεριφοράς
Γνωστικό Αντικείμενο: Νευροψυχολογική Αξιολόγηση
Γραφείο: 421α, Νέο Κτίριο Φιλοσοφικής Σχολής
Τηλέφωνο: +302310997308

Η Μαίρη Κοσμίδου σπούδασε στις ΗΠΑ και πήρε το διδακτορικό από πρόγραμμα κλινικής ψυχολογίας το 1991 με θέμα διατριβής στο αντικείμενο της νευροψυχολογίας. Εργάστηκε ως ερευνήτρια στο National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) από το 1992-1997, όπου έκανε έρευνα στον χώρο της ψυχοφυσιολογίας και νευροψυχολογίας με κλινικούς πληθυσμούς. Παράλληλα, εργάστηκε και ιδιωτικά ως κλινική ψυχολόγος και νευροψυχολόγος. Το 1999 ανέλαβε ως μέλος ΔΕΠ στο Τμήμα Ψυχολογίας του ΑΠΘ. Διδάσκει μαθήματα νευροψυχολογίας και εποπτεύει την κλινική πρακτική και έρευνα των φοιτητών. Έχει διοργανώσει ελληνικά και διεθνή συνέδρια και καλοκαιρινά μαθήματα, υπήρξε πρόεδρος του ΔΣ της Ελληνικής Νευροψυχολογικής Εταιρείας και μέλος του ΔΣ της Ψυχολογικής Εταιρείας Βορείου Ελλάδος, είναι κριτής ερευνητικών προγραμμάτων και στη συντακτική επιτροπή επιστημονικών περιοδικών, στην Ελλάδα και στο εξωτερικό. Έχει δημοσιεύσει 4 βιβλία, 22 κεφάλαια σε βιβλία, και περισσότερο από 180 επιστημονικές εργασίες και έχει επιμεληθεί τη μετάφραση στα ελληνικά 7 επιστημονικών βιβλίων. Η έρευνά της έχει λάβει χρηματοδότηση από ελληνικούς και διεθνείς φορείς και έχει βραβευτεί 12 φορές σε συνέδρια. Τέλος, εκπροσωπεί την Ελλάδα (μέσω του Συλλόγου Ελλήνων Ψυχολόγων) ως μέλος της Standing Committee for Clinical Neuropsychology της European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations.

Τα ερευνητικά μου ενδιαφέροντα συμπεριλαμβάνουν την παθοφυσιολογία νευρολογικών και ψυχιατρικών διαταραχών μέσω της διερεύνησης των γνωστικών μηχανισμών που δυσλειτουργούν και αποσαφήνιση της πιθανής αιτιοπαθογένειας, τα πρώιμα σημεία και τους προστατευτικούς παράγοντες για την εκδήλωση άνοιας (Μεσογειακή δίαιτα, κοινωνική και φυσική δραστηριότητα), θέματα κλινικής νευροψυχολογικής εκτίμησης (δημιουργία πολιτισμικά κατάλληλων νευροψυχολογικών δοκιμασιών και κανονιστικών δεδομένων για τον ελληνικό πληθυσμό) τις γνωστικές διαστάσεις του αναλφαβητισμού και προεκτάσεις για α) την έγκυρη κλινική νευροψυχολογική εξέταση και β) τις επιρροές του εγγραμματισμού στη λειτουργία του εγκεφάλου και την κοινωνική νόηση σε ψυχιατρικές και νευρολογικές διαταραχές.

Λέξεις κλειδιά: άνοια, νευροψυχολογική εκτίμηση, αναλφαβητισμός, κοινωνική νόηση, μετεγχειρητική γνωστική εξασθένηση, διαταραχή προσοχής και οδήγηση, επάρκεια κλινικών νευροψυχολόγων

Jessica Gong, Katie Harris1 PhD, … Mary H. Kosmidis14 … Sanne A.E. Peters1,36,37 PhD, Mark Woodward1,37 PhD for the Cohort Studies of Memory in an International Consortium (COSMIC) (2023). Sex differences in dementia risk and risk factors: individual-participant data analysis using 21 cohorts across six continents from the COSMIC consortium. Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association. DOI: 10.1002/alz.12962

Mamalaki, E., Ntanasi, E., Hatzimanolis, A., Basta, M., Kosmidis, M. H., Dardiotis, E., Hadjigeorgiou, G. M., Sakka, P., Scarmeas, N., & Yannakoulia, M. (2023). The association of adherence to the Mediterranean diet with depression in older adults longitudinally taking into account cognitive status: results from the HELIAD study. Nutrients.

Mandyla, M. A., & Kosmidis, M. H. (2023). Limitations and recommendations regarding the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) in illiterate and low educated older adults. Psychology.

Maraki, M. I., Yannakoulia, M., Xiromerisiou, G., Stefanis, L., Charisis, S., Giagkou, N., Kosmidis, M. H., Dardiotis, E., Hadjigeorgiou, G. M., Sakka, P., Scarmeas, N., & Stamelou, M. (2023). Mediterranean diet is associated with a lower probability of prodromal Parkinson’s disease and risk for Parkinson’s disease/dementia with Lewy bodies: A longitudinal study. European Journal of Neurology. https://doi.org/10.1111/ene.15698

Mourtzi, N., Charisis, S., Tsapanoy, A., Ntanasi, E., Hatzimanolis, A., Ramirez, A., Heilman-Heimbach, S., Grenier-Boley, B., Lambert, J-C., Yannakoulia, M., Kosmidis, M. H., Dardiotis, E., Hadjigeorgiou, Sakka, P., Georgakis, M., Stern, Y., & Scarmeas, N. (2023). Genetic propensity for cerebral amyloidosis and risk of mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease within a cognitive reserve framework. Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association. org/10.1002/alz.12980

Staios, M., Kosmidis, M.H., Kokkinis, N., Papadopoulos, A., Nielsen, T.R., Kalinowski, P., March, E., & Stolwyk, R.J. (2023). The Greek Australian neuropsychological normative study: Neuropsychological test norms for Greek Australians aged 70-85 years. Australian Psychologist. doi: 10.1080/00050067.2022.2151337

Staios, M., Kosmidis, M. H., Nielsen, T. R., Papadopoulos, A., Kokkinis, N., Stogiannidou, A., March, E., & Stolwyk, R., J. (2023). The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Fourth Edition, Greek Adaptation (WAIS-IV GR): Confirmatory factor analysis and specific reference group normative data for Greek Australian older adults. Australian Psychologist.

Tsiaras, Y., Kiosseoglou, G., Dardiotis, E., Yannakoulia, M., Hadjigeorgiou, G. M., Sakka P., Ntanasi, E., Scarmeas, N., & Kosmidis, M. H. (2023). Predictive ability of the Clock Drawing Test to detect Mild Cognitive Impairment and dementia over time: Results from the HELIAD study. The Clinical Neuropsychologist.

Balomenos, V., Bounou, L., Charisis, S., Stamelou, M., Ntanasi, E., Georgiadi, K., Mourtzinos, I., Tzima, K., Anastasiou, C. A., Xiromerisiou, G., Maraki, M., Kosmidis, M. H., Dardiotis, E., Hadjigeorgiou, G., Sakka, P., Stefanis, L., & Scarmeas, N. (2022). Dietary Inflammatory Index score and prodromal Parkinson’s disease incidence: The HELIAD study. The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry. 2022 Mar 25;105:108994. doi: 10.1016/j.jnutbio.2022.108994.

Belenguez, , Küçükali, F., Jansen, I. E., Kleineidam, L., … Kosmidis, M. H., … van der Flier, W. M., Ruiz, A., Ramirez, A., & Lambert, J.-C. (2022). New insights on the genetic etiology of Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders. Nature: Genetics, 54(4), 412-436. doi: 10.1038/s41588-022-01024-z.

Charisis, S., Ntanasi, E., Stamelou, M., Xiromerisiou, G., Maraki, M., Veskoukis, A. S., Yannakoulia, M., Kosmidis, M. H., Anastasiou, C. A., Giagkou, N., Dardiotis, E., Hadjigeorgiou, G., Sakka, P., Kouretas, D., Stefanis, L., & Scarmeas, N. (2022). Plasma glutathione and prodromal Parkinson’s disease probability. Movement Disorders. 2022 Jan;37(1):200-205. doi: 10.1002/mds.28826.

Folia, V., Liampas, I., … Kosmidis, M. H. (2022). Language Differences Among Individuals with Normal Cognition, Amnestic and non-Amnestic MCI and Alzheimer’s Disease. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology,

Folia, V., Liampas, I., Ntanasi, E., Yannakoulia, M., Sakka, P., Hadjigeorgiou, G., Scarmeas, N., Dardiotis, E., & Kosmidis, M. H. (2022). Longitudinal trajectories and normative language standards in older adults with normal cognitive status. Neuropsychology. 2022 Jul 7. doi: 10.1037/neu0000843

Folia, V., Liampas, I., Silva, S., Siokas, V., Yannakoulia, M., Sakka, P., Hadjigeorgiou, G., Scarmeas, N., Dardiotis, E., & Kosmidis, M. H. (2022). Language performance as a prognostic factor for developing Alzheimer’s Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment: Results from the population-based HELIAD cohort. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society.

Georgakis, M. K., Ntanasi, E., Ramirez, A., Grenier-Boley, B., Lambert, J.-L., Sakka, P., Yannakoulia, M., Kosmidis, M. H., Dardiotis, E., Hadjigeorgiou, G. M., Charissis, S., Mourtzi, N., Hatzimanolis, A., & Scarmeas, N. (2022). Vascular burden and genetic risk in association with cognitive performance and dementia in a population-based study. Cerebral Circulation – Cognition and Behavior. PII: S2666-2450(22)00110-6. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cccb.2022.100145

Geronikola, N., Zalonis, I., Ntanasi, E., Charisis, S., Kosmidis, M. H., Anastasiou, C. A., Dardiotis, E., Hadjigeorgiou, G., Megalou, M., Velonakis, G., Karavasilis, E., Gargalionis, A. N., Patas, K., Piperidi, A., Chatzipanagiotou, S., Sakka, P., Paraskevas, G., Yannakoulia, M., & Scarmeas, (2022). Sex differences in frailty incidence in Greek community-dwelling older people: the HELIAD study. Journal of Frailty and Aging, 11(3), 250-255. http://dx.doi.org/10.14283/jfa.2022.39

Gkotzamanis, V., Panagiotakos, D., Yannakoulia, M., Kosmidis, M. H., Dardiotis, E., Hadjigeorgiou, G., Sakka, P., & Scarmeas, N. (2022). Trajectories of healthy aging and their association with the Mediterranean diet: the HELIAD Study. Maturitas. doi:10.1016/j.maturitas.2022.01.003.

Kosmidis, Μ. Η., Lettner, S., Hokkanen, L., Barbosa, F., Petersson, B. A., Baker, G., Kasten, E., Ponchel, A., Mondini, S., Varako, N., Nikolai, T., Jónsdóttir, M. K., Pranckeviciene, A., Hessen, E., & Constantinou, M. (2022). Core competencies in Clinical Neuropsychology as a training model in Europe. Frontiers in Psychology, Special Issue: Clinical Neuropsychology in Europe. 2022 Mar 31;13:849151. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.849151.

  1. Liampas, I., Folia, V., Dardiotis, E., Scarmeas, N., Sakka, P., Yannakoulia, M., Hadjigeorgiou, G., & Kosmidis, M. H. (2022). Longitudinal episodic memory trajectories in older adults with normal cognitive status. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, Apr 11:1-18. doi: 10.1080/13854046.2022.2059011.
  2. Liampas, I., Folia, V., Zoupa, E., Siokas, V., Yannakoulia, M., Sakka, P., Hadjigeorgiou, G. M., Scarmeas, N., Dardiotis, E., & Kosmidis, M. H. (2022). Qualitative verbal fluency components as prognostic factors for developing Alzheimer’s Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment: Results from the population-based HELIAD cohort. Medicina.
  3. Liampas, I., Hatzimanolis, A., Siokas, V., Yannakoulia, M., Kosmidis, M. H., Sakka, P., Hadjigeorgiou, G. M., Scarmeas, Ν., & Dardiotis, E. (2022). Antihypertensive medication class and the risk of dementia and cognitive decline in older adults: A secondary analysis of the prospective HELIAD cohort. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease.
  4. Liampas, I., Siokas, V., Kyrozis, A., Sakoutis, G., Yannakoulia, M., Kosmidis, M. H., Sakka, P., Scarmeas, N., Dardiotis, E., & Hadjigeorgiou, G. M. (2022). Prevalence and determinants of Restless Legs Syndrome (Willis-Ekbom Disease) in an older Greek population. Behavioral Sleep Medicine.Liampas, I., Siokas, V., Ntanasi, E., Kosmidis, M. H., Yannakoulia, M., Sakka, P., Hadjigeorgiou, G. M., Scarmeas, N., & Dardiotis, E. (2022). Cognitive trajectories preluding the imminent onset of Alzheimer’s Disease Dementia in individuals with normal cognition: Results from the HELIAD Cohort. Aging: Clinical and Experimental Research.
  5. Mamalaki, E., Charisis, S., Anastasiou, C. A., Ntanasi, E., Georgiadi, K., Balomenos, V., Kosmidis, M. H., Dardiotis, E., Hadjigeorgiou, G., Sakka, P., Scarmeas, N., & Yannakoulia, M. (2022). The longitudinal association of lifestyle with cognitive health and dementia risk: findings from the HELIAD study. Nutrients.
  6. Martzoukou, M., Nasios, G., Kosmidis, M. H., & Papadopoulou D. (2022). Aging and the perception of affective and linguistic prosody. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, Apr 20. doi: 10.1007/s10936-022-09875-7.
  7. Mourtzi, N., Hatzimanolis, A., Xiromerisiou, G., Ntanasi, E., Georgakis, M. K., Ramirez, A., Heilmann, S., Grenier-Boley, B., Lambert, J. C., Yannakoulia, M., Kosmidis, M. H., Dardiotis, E., Hadjigeorgiou, G. M., Sakka, P., & Scarmeas, N. (2022). Association between 9p21-23 locus and frailty in a community-dwelling Greek population: Results from the Hellenic Longitudinal Investigation of Ageing and Diet. The Journal of Prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease, 1(9), 77-85. org/10.14283/jpad.2022.2
  8. Mourtzi, N., … Kosmidis, M. H., … (2022). Genetically downregulated Interleukin-6 signaling is associated with a lower risk of frailty. Age and Ageing (IF: 12.78)
  9. Ntanasi, E., Charisis, S., Yannakoulia, M., Georgiadi, K., Balomenos, V., Kosmidis, M. H., Dardiotis, E., Hadjigeorgiou, G., Sakka, P., Maraki, M., & Scarmeas, N. (2022). Adherence to the Mediterranean diet and incident frailty: Results from a longitudinal study. Maturitas. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.maturitas.2022.05.001
  10. Staios, M., Nielsen, T. R., Kosmidis, M. H., Papadopoulos, A., Kokkinias, A., Velakoulis, D., Tsiaras, Y., March, E., & Stolwyk, R. J. (2022). Validity of visuoconstructional assessment methods within healthy elderly Greek Australians: Quantitative and error analysis. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, https://doi.org/10.1093/arclin/acac091
  11. Wezeman, S., L., Uleman, J. F., Scarmeas, N., Kosmidis, M. H., Dardiotis, E., Peeters, G. M. E. E., Olde Rikker, M. G. M. (2022). Population attributable fractions for modifiable risk factors of incident dementia in cognitively normal and mild cognitively impaired older adults: data from two cohort studies. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease.
  12. Aretouli, E., Chondrogiorgi, M., Dede, O., Koutsonida, M., Lafi, C., Konstantinopoulou, E., Kulisevsky, J., Kosmidis, M. H., & Konitsiotis, S. (2021). The Parkinson’s Disease-Cognitive Rating Scale: Greek Normative Data, Clinical Utility and Cultural Considerations. Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry & Neurology. 2021 Oct 18:8919887211049110. doi: 10.1177/08919887211049110.
  13. Balomenos, V., Ntanasi, E., Anastasiou, C. A., Charisis, S., Velonakis, G., Karavasilis, E., Tsapanou, A., Yannakoulia, M., Kosmidis, M. H., Dardiotis, E., Hadjigeorgiou, G., Sakka, P., & Scarmeas, N. (2021). Association between sleep disturbances and frailty: Evidence from a population-based study. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 22(3), 551-558.e1. doi: 10.1016/j.jamda.2020.08.012.
  14. Charisis, S., Ntanasi, E., Yannakoulia, M., Anastasiou, C. A., Kosmidis, M. H., Dardiotis, E., Gargalionis, A. N., Patas, K., Chatzipanagiotou, S., Mourtzinos, I., Tzima, K., Hadjigeorgiou, G., Sakka, P., Kapogiannis, D., & Scarmeas, (2021). Diet Inflammatory Index and dementia incidence: A population-based study. Neurology. 021 Dec 14;97(24):e2381-e2391. doi: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000012973. Epub 2021 Nov 10.PMID:34759053
  15. Charisis, S., Ntanasi, E., Yannakoulia, M., Anastasiou, C. A., Kosmidis, M. H. Dardiotis E, Hadjigeorgiou G, Sakka, P., & Scarmeas, N. (2021). Mediterranean diet and risk for dementia and cognitive decline in a Mediterranean population. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 69(6), 1548-1559. doi: 10.1111/jgs.17072.
  16. Charisis, S., Ntanasi, E., Yannakoulia, M., Anastasiou, C. A., Kosmidis, M. H., Dardiotis, E., Hadjigeorgiou, G., Sakka, P., Veskoukis, A. S., Kouretas, D., & Scarmeas, N. (2021). Plasma GSH levels and Alzheimer’s disease. A prospective approach: Results from the HELIAD study. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 162, 274-282. doi: 10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2020.10.027. Epub 2020 Oct 21.
  17. de Rojas I, Moreno-Grau S, Tesi N, … Kosmidis MH, … & Ruiz, A. (2021). Common variants in Alzheimer’s disease and risk stratification by polygenic risk scores. Nature Communication, 12(1), 3417. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-22491-8.
  18. Georgopoulou, V., Spruyt, K., Garganis, K., & Kosmidis, M. H. (2021). Altered sleep-related consolidation and neurocognitive comorbidity in children with epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes (CECTS). Frontiers in Human Neuroscience., 15, 563807. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2021.563807.
  19. Giannouli, V., Markopoulou, A., Kiosseoglou, G., & Kosmidis, M. H. (2021). Neuropsychological functioning in patients with interstitial lung disease. Applied Neuropsychology: Adult. Jan 28:1-6. doi: 10.1080/23279095.2020.1870465.
  20. Kasten, E., Barbosa, F., Kosmidis, M. H., Persson, B. A., Constantinou, M., Baker, G., Lettner, S., Hokkanen, L., Ponchel, A., Mondini, S., Jonsdottir, M. K., Varako, N., Nikolai, T., Pranckeviciene, A., Harper, L., & Hessen, E. (2021). European clinical neuropsychology: Role in health care and access to neuropsychological services. Health Care, 9, 734. org/10.3390/healthcare9060734.
  21. Koutras, Y., Chrysostomou, S., Giannakou, K., Kosmidis, M. H., & Yannakoulia, M. (2021). Personality traits and weight loss maintenance: a cross-sectional study. Frontiers in Nutrition, section Eating Behavior. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2021.702382
  22. Malegiannaki, A.-C., Garefalaki, E.v, Nestoraki, D., Malegiannakis, A., & Kosmidis, M. H. (2021). Can the Trail Making Test be substituted by a 3D computerized visit to a supermarket? Clinical implications. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience & Mental Health. doi: 10.26386/obrela.v412.161
  23. Mandyla, M., Yannakoulia, M., Hadjigeorgiou, G., Dardiotis, E., Scarmeas, N., & Kosmidis, M. H. (2021). Identifying appropriate neuropsychological tests for uneducated/illiterate older individuals. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society. 2021 Aug 31:1-14. doi: 10.1017/S1355617721001004.
  24. Maraki, M. I., Hatzimanolis, A., Mourtzi, N., Stefanis, L., Yannakoulia, M., Kosmidis, M. H., Dardiotis, E., Hadjigeorgiou, G. M., Sakka, P., Ramirez, A., Grenier-Boley, B., Lambert, J.-C., Heilmann-Heimbach, S., Stamelou, M., Scarmeas, N., & Xiromerisiou, G. (2021). Association of the Polygenic Risk Score with the Probability of Prodromal Parkinson’s disease in older adults. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, section Brain Disease Mechanisms. Front Mol Neurosci. 2021 Dec 21;14:739571. doi: 10.3389/fnmol.2021.739571. eCollection 2021.PMID:34992521
  25. Messinis, L., Bakirtzis, C., Kosmidis, M. H., Economou, A., Nasios, G., Anyfantis, E., Konitsiotis, S., Ntoskou, A., Peristeri, E., Dardiotis, E., Grigoriadis, N., Gourzis, P., & Papathanasopoulos, P. (2021). Symbol Digit Modalities Test: Greek Normative Data for the Oral and Written Version and Discriminative Validity in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 36(1), 117-125. doi: 10.1093/arclin/acaa028.
  26. Moza, S., Scarmeas, N., Hadjigeorgiou, G. M., Dardiotis, E., Yannakoulia, M., & Kosmidis, M. H. (2021). Pesticide use and its effects on daily functioning among elderly Journal of Biomedical Research & Environmental Sciences: Toxicology. DOI: 10.37871/jbres1330
  27. Ntanasi, E., Maraki, M., Yannakoulia, M., Stamelou, M., Xiromerisiou, G., Kosmidis, M. H., Dardiotis, E., Hadjigeorgiou, G., Sakka, P., Gargalionis, A. N., Patas, K., Chatzipanagiotou, S., Charisis, S., Stefanis, L., & Scarmeas, N. (2021). Frailty and prodromal Parkinson’s disease: Results from the HELIAD study. Journal of Gerontology Series A: Biomedical Sciences and Medical Sciences, 76(4), 622-629. doi: 10.1093/gerona/glaa191.
  28. Pachi, I., Maraki, M. I., Giagkou, N., Kosmidis, M. H., Yannakoulia, M., Dardiotis, E., Hadjigeorgiou, G., Sakka, P., Ntanasi, E., Xiromerisiou, G., Stamelou, M., Scarmeas, N., & Stefanis, L. (2021). Late life psychotic features in prodromal Parkinson’s disease. Parkinsonism and Related Disorders, 86, 67-73. doi: 10.1016/j.parkreldis.2021.04.001.
  29. Peristeri, E., Messinis, L., Kosmidis, M. H., Nasios, G., Mentis, A. A., Siokas, V., Aloizou, A. M., Kotrotsios, A., Andreou, M., & Dardiotis, E. (2021). The impact of Primary Progressive Aphasia on picture naming and general language ability. Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology, 34(3), 188-199. doi: 10.1097/WNN.0000000000000275.
  30. Tsapanou, A., Mourtzi, N., Charisis, S., Hatzimanolis, A., Ntanasi, E., Kosmidis, M. H., Yannakoulia, M., Hadjigeorgiou, G., Dardiotis, E., Sakka, P., Stern, Y., & Scarmeas. (2022). Sleep Polygenic Risk Score is associated with cognitive changes over time. Genes. 2021 Dec 27;13(1):63. doi: 10.3390/genes13010063.
  31. Vasiliadis, H.-M., Gournellis, R., Efstathiou, V., Stefanis, N., Kosmidis, M. H., Yannakoulia, M., Dardiotis, E., Hadjigeorgiou, G., Sakka, P., Ntanasi, E., Pachi, I., Stefanis, L., & Scarmeas, N. (2021). The factors associated with the presence of psychotic symptoms in the HELIAD Greek community study of older adults. Aging & Mental Health. Jan 20:1-10. doi: 10.1080/13607863.2021.1871882.
  32. Vlachos, G. S., Kosmidis, M. H., Yannakoulia, M., Dardiotis, E., Hadjigeorgiou, G., Tzoulaki, I., Georgiou, A. N., Sakka, P., Anastasiou, C. A., Stefanis, L., & Scarmeas, N. (2021). Dementia incidence in the elderly population of Greece: Results from the HELIAD study. Alzheimer Disease & Associated Disorders, 35(1), 48-54. doi: 1097/WAD.0000000000000407.
  33. Vlachos, G. S., Kosmidis, M. H., Yannakoulia, M., Dardiotis, E., Hadjigeorgiou, G., Tzoulaki, I., Georgiou, A. N., Sakka, P., Anastasiou, C. A., Stefanis, L., & Scarmeas, N. (2021). Incidence of mild cognitive impairment in the elderly population in Greece: results from the HELIAD study. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research. doi: 10.1007/s40520-021-01819-w.
  34. Vlachos, G. S., Yannakoulia, M., Anastasiou, C. A., Kosmidis, M. H., Dardiotis, E., Hadjigeorgiou, G., Charisis, S., Sakka, P., Stefanis, L., & Scarmeas, N. (2021). The role of Mediterranean diet in the course of subjective cognitive decline in the elderly population of Greece: results from a prospective cohort study. British Journal of Nutrition. 2021 Dec 23:1-29. doi: 10.1017/S0007114521005109.
  35. Andravizou, A., Siokas, V., Artemiadis, A., Bakirtzis, C., Aloizou, A. M., Grigoriadis, N., Kosmidis, M. H., Nasios, G., Messinis, L., Hadjigeorgiou, G., Dardiotis, E., & Peristeri, E. (2020). Clinically reliable cognitive decline in relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis: Is it the tip of the iceberg? Neurological Research, 42(7), 575-586. doi: 10.1080/01616412.2020.1761175. Epub 2020 May 19.
  36. Giagkou, N., Maraki, M. I., Yannakoulia, M., Kosmidis MH, Dardiotis E, Hadjigeorgiou GM, Sakka P, Ntanasi E, Anastasiou CA, Xiromerisiou G, Stefanis L, Scarmeas, N., Stamelou, M. (2020). A Prospective Validation of the Updated Movement Disorders Society Research Criteria for Prodromal Parkinson’s Disease. Movement Disorders, 35(10), 1802-1809. doi: 10.1002/mds.28145. Jun 22.
  37. Hokkanen, L., Barbosa, F., Ponchel, A., Constantinou, M., Kosmidis, M. H., Varako, N., Kasten, E., Mondini, S., Lettner, S., Baker, G., Persson, B. A., & Hessen, E. (2020). Clinical Neuropsychology as a specialist profession in European health care: Developing a benchmark for training standards and competencies using the EuroPsy model? Frontiers in Psychology, Oct. 6: 11, 559134. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.559134. eCollection 2020.
  38. Kalligerou, F., Fieo, R., Paraskevas, G. P., Zalonis, I., Kosmidis, M. H., Yannakoulia, M., Ntanasi, E., Dardiotis, E., Hadjigeorgiou, G., Sakka, P., & Scarmeas, N. (2020). Assessing functional status using the IADL-extended scale: Results from the HELIAD study. International Psychogeriatrics, 32(9), 1045-1053. Sep;32(9):1045-1053. doi: 10.1017/S1041610219001091. Epub 2019 Sep 10.
  39. Kalligerou, F., Fieo, R., Paraskevas, G. P., Zalonis, I., Kosmidis, M. H., Yannakoulia, M., Ntanasi, E., Dardiotis, E., Hadjigeorgiou, G., Sakka, P., & Scarmeas, N. (2020). Erratum: Assessing functional status using the IADL-extended scale: Results from the HELIAD study (International Psychogeriatrics) DOI: 10.1017/S1041610219001091). International Psychogeriatrics, 32(4), 541. Apr;32(4):541. doi: 10.1017/S1041610219001558. Epub 2019 Oct 23.
  40. Katsas, K., Mamalaki, E., Kontogianni, M. D., Anastasiou, C. A., Kosmidis, M. H., Varlamis, I., Hadjigeorgiou, G. M., Dardiotis, E., Sakka, P., Scarmeas, N., & Yannakoulia, M. (2020). Malnutrition in older adults: Correlations with social, diet-related, and neuropsychological factors. Nutrition. Mar;71:110640. doi: 10.1016/j.nut.2019.110640. Epub 2019 Nov 9.
  41. Kavouras, H., Economou, A., Liozidou, A., Kiosseoglou, G., Yiannis, G., & Kosmidis, M. H. (2020). Off-road assessment of cognitive fitness to drive. Applied Neuropsychology: Adult. Sep 9:1-11. doi: 10.1080/23279095.2020.1810041.
  42. Makkar, S. R., Lipnicki, D. M., Crawford, J. D., Kochan, N. A., Castro-Costa, E., Lima-Costa, M. F., Diniz, B. S., Brayne, C., Stephan, B., Matthews, F., Llibre-Rodriguez, J. J., Llibre-Guerra, J. J., Valhuerdi-Cepero, A. J., Lipton, R. B., Katz, M. J., Wang, C., Ritchie, K., Carles, S., Carriere, I., Scarmeas, N., Yannakoulia, M., Kosmidis, M., Lam, L., Chan, W. C., Fung, A., Guaita, A., Vaccaro, R., Davin, A., Kim, K. W., Han, J. W., Suh, S. W., Riedel-Heller, S. G., Roehr, S., Pabst, A., Ganguli, M., Hughes, T. F., Snitz, B., Anstey, K. J., Cherbuin, N., Easteal, S., Haan, M. N., Aiello, A. E., Dang, K., Pin Ng, T., Gao, Q., Zin Nyunt, M. S., Brodaty, H., Trollor, J. N., Leung, Y., Lo, J. W., & Sachdev, P. (2020). APOE ε4 and the influence of sex, age, vascular risk factors, and ethnicity on cognitive decline. The Journals of Gerontology. Series A, Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 75(10), 1863-1873. doi: 10.1093/gerona/glaa116.
  43. Makkar, S. R., Lipnicki, D. M., Crawford, J. D., Kochan, N. A., Castro-Costa, E., Lima-Costa, M. F., Diniz, B. S., Brayne, C., Stephan, B., Matthews, F., Llibre-Rodriguez, J. J., Llibre-Guerra, J. J., Valhuerdi-Cepero, A. J., Lipton, R. B., Katz, M. J., Zammit, A., Ritchie, K., Carles, S., Carriere, I., Scarmeas, N., Yannakoulia, M., Kosmidis, M., Lam, L., Fung, A., Chan, W. C., Guaita, A., Vaccaro, R., Davin, A., Kim, K. W., Han, J. W., Suh, S. W., Riedel-Heller, S. G., Roehr, S., Pabst, A., Ganguli, M., Hughes, T. F., Jacobsen, E. P., Anstey, K. J., Cherbuin, N., Haan, M. N., Aiello, A. E., Dang, K., Kumagai, S., Narazaki, K., Chen, S., Ng, T. P., Gao, Q., Nyunt, M. S. Z., Meguro, K., Yamaguchi, S., Ishii, H., Lobo, A., Lobo Escolar, E., de la Cámara, C., Brodaty, H., Trollor, J. N., Leung, Y., Lo, J. W., & Sachdev, P. (2020). Education and the moderating roles of age, sex, ethnicity and apolipoprotein epsilon 4 on the risk of cognitive impairment. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 91, 104112. doi: 10.1016/j.archger.2020.104112.
  44. Mamalaki, E., Anastasiou, C. A., Kosmidis, M. H., Dardiotis, E., Hadjigeorgiou, G. M., Sakka, P., Scarmeas, N., & Yannakoulia, M. (2020). Social life characteristics in relation to adherence to the Mediterranean diet in older adults: findings from the Hellenic Longitudinal Investigation of Aging and Diet (HELIAD) study. Public Health Nutr. 2020 Feb;23(3):439-445. doi: 10.1017/S1368980019002350. Epub 2019 Aug 23.
  45. Margioti, E., Kosmidis, M. H., Yannakoulia, M., Dardiotis, E., Hadjigeorgiou, G., Sakka, P., Ntanasi, E., Vlachos, G. S., & Scarmeas, N. (2020). Exploring the association between subjective cognitive decline and frailty: the Hellenic Longitudinal Investigation of Aging and Diet Study (HELIAD). Aging & Mental Health, 24(1), 137-147. doi: 10.1080/13607863.2018.1525604.
  46. Mavrea, T., Malegiannaki, A.-C., Apteslis, N., & Kosmidis, M. H. (2020). Comparison of intellectual profiles among children with different types of neurodevelopmental disorders and typically developing children. Encephalos, 157, 35-43.
  47. Messinis, L., Kosmidis, M. H., Nasios, G., Konitsiotis, S., Ntoskou, A., Bakirtzis, C., Grigoriadis, N., Patrikelis P, Panagiotopoulos E, Gourzis P, Malefaki, S., & Papathanasopoulos, P. (2020). Do Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis patients benefit from Computer- based cognitive neurorehabilitation? A randomized sham controlled trial. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders, 39, 101932. 39:101932. doi: 10.1016/j.msard.2020.101932.
  48. Ntanasi, E., Yannakoulia, M., Mourtzi, N., Vlachos, G. S., Kosmidis, M. H., Anastasiou, C. A., Dardiotis, E., Hadjigeorgiou, G., Megalou, M., Sakka, P., & Scarmeas, N. (2020). Prevalence and risk factors of frailty in a community-dwelling population: The HELIAD Study. Journal of Aging and Health. Jan-Feb;32(1):14-24. doi: 10.1177/0898264318801735.
  49. Patrikelis, P., Lucci, G., Fasilis, T., Korfias, S., Messinis, L., Kosmidis, M., Christodouli Lagogianni, C., Konstantakopoulos, G., Manolia, S., Sakas, D., & Gatzonis, S. (2020). Selective impairment of auditory attention processing in Idiopathic Generalized Epilepsies: implications for their cognitive pathophysiology. Applied Neuropsychology: Adult. 2020 Dec 7:1-10. doi: 10.1080/23279095.2020.1852566. Online ahead of print.PMID: 33284641
  50. Vlachos, G. S., Kosmidis, M. H., Yannakoulia, M., Dardiotis, E., Hadjigeorgiou, G., Sakka, P., Ntanasi, E., Stefanis, L., & Scarmeas, N. (2020). Prevalence of Mild Cognitive Impairment in the elderly population in Greece: Results from the HELIAD study. Alzheimer Disease & Associated Disorders, 34(2), 156-162. doi: 10.1097/WAD.0000000000000361.
  51. Vilou, I., Bakirtzis, C., Artemiadis, A., Ioannidis, P., Papadimitriou, M., Konstantinopoulou, E., Aretouli, E., Messinis, L., Nasios, G., Dardiotis, E., Kosmidis, M. H., & Grigoriadis, N. (2020). Computerized cognitive rehabilitation for treatment of cognitive impairment in multiple sclerosis: An explorative study. Journal of Integrative Neuroscience, 19(2), 341-347. doi: 10.31083/j.jin.2020.02.35.
  1. Bougea, A., Maraki, M. I., Yannakoulia, M., Stamelou, M., Xiromerisiou, G., Kosmidis, M. H., Ntanasi, E., Dardiotis, E., Hadjigeorgiou, G., M., Sakka, P., Anastasiou, C. A., Stefanis, L., & Scarmeas, N. (in press 2019). Higher probability of prodromal Parkinson’s disease is related to lower cognitive performance”. Neurology, 92(19), e2261-e2272. doi: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000007453
  2. Dardiotis, E., Siokas, V., Moza, S., Kosmidis, M. H., Vogiatzi, C, Aloizou, A. M., Geronikola, N., Ntanasi, E., Zalonis, I., Yannakoulia, M., Scarmeas, N., & Hadjigeorgiou, G. M. (2019). Pesticide exposure and cognitive function: Results from the Hellenic Longitudinal Investigation of Aging and Diet (HELIAD). Environmental Research, 177:108632. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2019.108632.
  3. Giannakou, M., Kosmidis, M. H., Nazlidou, E. I., Liolios, D., Parlapani, E., & Bozikas, V. P. (2019). Understanding of Faux Pas in patients with schizophrenia. Psychiatriki, 30(1), 17-23. doi: 10.22365/jpsych.2019.301.17.
  4. Malegiannaki, A. C., Aretouli, E., Metallidou, P., Messinis, L., Zafiriou, D., & Kosmidis, M. H. (2019). Test of Everyday Attention for Children (TEA-Ch): Greek normative data and discriminative validity for children with Combined Type of Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder. Developmental Neuropsychology, 44(2), 189-202. doi: 10.1080/87565641.2019.1578781. (IF: 2.333).
  5. Mamalaki, E., Tsapanou, A., Anastasiou, C. A., Kosmidis, M. H., Dardiotis, E., Hadjigeorgiou, G. M., Sakka P., Scarmeas, N., & Yannakoulia, (2019). Associations between sleep and obesity indices in older adults: results from the Hellenic Longitudinal Investigation of Aging and Diet. Aging: Clinical and Experimental Research, Jan. 9. doi: 10.1007/s40520-018-01113-2.
  6. Maraki, M. I., Stefanis, L., Yannakoulia, M., Kosmidis, M. H., Xiromerisiou, G., Dardiotis, E., Hadjigeorgiou, G. M., Sakka, P., Scarmeas, N., & Stamelou, M. (2019). Motor function and the probability of prodromal Parkinson’s disease in older adults. Movement Disorders. 2019 Sep;34(9):1345-1353. doi: 10.1002/mds.27792. Epub 2019 Jul 17.
  7. Maraki, M., Yannakoulia, M., Stamelou, M., Stefanis, L., Xiromerisiou, G., Kosmidis, M. H., Dardiotis, E., Hadjigeorgiou, G., Sakka, V., Anastasiou, C, Simopoulou, E., & Scarmeas, N. (2019). Mediterranean Diet adherence is related to reduced probability of prodromal Parkinson’s disease in older aduts. Movement Disorders, 34(1), 1345-1353. Doi: 10.1002/mds.27489.
  8. Messinis, L., Kosmidis, M. H., Nasios, G., Dardiotis, E., & Tsaousides, T. (2019). Cognitive neurorehabilitation in acquired neurological brain injury. Behavioral Neurology, 2019 Nov 5;2019:8241951. doi: 10.1155/2019/8241951. eCollection 2019.
  9. Mourtzi, N., Ntanasi, E., Yannakoulia, M., Kosmidis, M., Anastasiou, C., Dardiotis, E., Hadjigeorgiou, G., Sakka, P., & Scarmeas, N. (2019). Apolipoprotein epsilon4 allele is associated with frailty syndrome: results from the hellenic longitudinal investigation of ageing and diet study. Age & Ageing. 48(6), 917-921. doi: 10.1093/ageing/afz098.
  10. Ntanasi, E., Scarmeas, N., Mamalaki, E., Kosmidis, M. H., Anastasiou, C. A., Dardiotis, E., Hadjigeorgiou, G., Megalou, M., & Sakka, P. (2019). Food consumption and frailty syndrome: Results from the HELIAD study. JAMDA, 20(5):640-642. doi: 10.1016/j.jamda.2018.12.015.
  11. Papadopoulou, E., & Kosmidis, M. H. (2019). Brain laterality during melody processing in musicians and non-musicians. Hellenic Journal of Psychology, 16(30), 265-287.
  12. Traianou, A., Patrikelis, P., Kosmidis, M. H., Kimiskidis, V. K., & Gatzonis, S. (2019). The neuropsychological profile of parietal and occipital lobe epilepsy. Epilepsy & Behavior, 94, 137-143. doi: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2019.02.021.
  13. Vlachos, S, Cosentino, S., Kosmidis M. H., Anastasiou, C. A., Yannakoulia, M., Dardiotis, E., Hadjigeorgiou, G., Sakka, P., Ntanasi, E., Stern, Y., & Scarmeas, N. (2019). Prevalence and determinants of subjective cognitive decline in a representative Greek elderly population. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 34(6), 846-854. doi: 10.1002/gps.5073.
  14. Alexiadou, A., Bozikas, V. P., Kosmidis, M. H., Parlapani, E., Kiosseoglou, G., Fokas, K. (2018). The effect of impaired verbal memory retrieval on autobiographical memory across different life periods in schizophrenia. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 80, 81-88. doi: 10.1016/j.comppsych.2017.09.002. [Epub ahead of print]
  15. Anastasiou, C., Yannakoulia, M., Kontogianni, M., Kosmidis, M. H., Mamalaki, E., Dardiotis, E., Hadjigeorgiou, G., Sakka, P., Tsapanou, A., Lykou, A., & Scarmeas, N. (2018). Mediterranean lifestyle in relation to cognitive health: results from the HELIAD study. Nutrients, 20, 10, pii: E1557. doi: 10.3390/nu10101557.
  16. Fantie, B. D., Kosmidis, M. H., Giannakou, M., Moza, S., Karavatos, A., & Bozikas, V. P. (2018). What is going on? The process of generating questions about emotion and social cognition in bipolar disorder and schizohrenia with cartoon situations and faces. Brain Sciences, 8, 68. doi:10.3390/brainsci8040068.
  17. Jang, H., Bae, J. B., Dardiotis, E., Scarmeas, N., Sachdev, P.S ., Lipnicki, D. M., Han, J. W., Kim, T. H., Kwak, K. P., Kim, B. J., Kim, S. G., Kim, J. L., Moon, S. W., Park, J. H., Ryu, S. H., Youn, J. C., Lee, D. Y., Lee, D. W., Lee, S. B., Lee, J. J., Jhoo, J. H., Yannakoulia, M., Kosmidis, M. H., Hadjigeorgiou, G. M., Sakka, P., & Kim, K. W. (2018). Differential effects of completed and incomplete pregnancies on the risk of Alzheimer disease. Neurology, 91(7), e643-e651. doi: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000006000.
  18. Kosmidis, M. H., Vlachos, G., Dardiotis, E., Yannakoulia, M., Hadjigeorgiou, G. M., Scarmeas, N. (2018). Prevalence of dementia and its subtypes in Greece. Alzheimer Disease & Associated Disorders-An International Journal, 32(3), 232–239. doi: 10.1097/WAD.0000000000000249.
  19. Malegiannaki, A. C., & Kosmidis, M. H. (2018). The heterogeneity of Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder in children and the role of neuropsychological assessment. In F. M. Vlachos (Ed.), Brain, Learning and Special Education (in Greek). Athens: Gutenberg Publishers, pp. 328-367.
  20. Mamalaki, E., Anastasiou, C. A., Tsapanou, A., Kosmidis, M. H., Dardiotis, E., Hadjigeorgiou, G. M., Sakka P., Scarmeas, N., & Yannakoulia, (2018). Associations between Mediterranean diet and sleep in older adults: results from the Hellenic Longitudinal Investigation of Aging and Diet study. Geriatrics & Gerontology International, 18(11), 1543-1548. Doi: 10.1111/ggi.13521.
  21. Messinis, L., Papathanasopoulos, P., Kosmidis, M. H., Nasios, G., & Kambanaros, M. (2018). Neuropsychological Features of Multiple Sclerosis: Impact and Rehabilitation. Behavioral Neurology, doi: 10.1155/2018/4831647.
  22. Morou, N., Papaliagkas, V., Markouli, E., Karagianni, M., Nazlidou, E., Spilioti, M., Afrantou, T., Kimiskidis, V. K., Foroglou, N., & Kosmidis, M. K. (2018). Theory of Mind impairment in focal vs. generalized epilepsy. Epilepsy & Behavior, 88, 244-250. doi: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2018.09.026. Epub 2018 Oct 11.
  23. Mourtzi, N., Yannakoulia, M., Ntanasi, E., Kosmidis, M. H., Anastasiou, C. A., Dardiotis, E., Hadjigeorgiou, G., Sakka, P., & Scarmeas, N. (2018). History of induced abortions and frailty in older Greek women: Results from the HELIAD study. European Geriatric Medicine, 9(8). doi:1007/s41999-018-0047-1
  24. Ntanasi, E., Yannakoulia, M., Mourtzi, N., Vlachos, G. S., Kosmidis, M. H., Anastasiou, C. A., Dardiotis, E., Hadjigeorgiou, G., Megalou, M., Sakka, P., & Scarmeas N. (2018). Prevalence and risk factors of frailty in a community-dwelling population: the HELIAD study, Journal of Aging and Health, 22: 898264318801735. doi: 10.1177/0898264318801735.
  25. Oltra-Cucarella, J, Sánchez-San Segundo, M., Lipnicki, D. M.; Crawford, J. D. Lipton, R. B., Katz, M. J., Zammit, A. R., Scarmeas, N., Dardiotis, E., Kosmidis, M. H., Guaita, A., Vaccaro, R., Kim, K.-W., Han, J. W., Kochan, N., Brodaty, H., Pérez-Vicente, J. A., Cabello-Rodríguez, L., Sachdev, P. S., & Ferrer-Cascales, R., for Cohort Studies of Memory in an International Consortium (COSMIC) (2018). Verbal and visual memory impairments and risk of Alzheimer’s disease in amnestic mild cognitive impairment. International Psychogeriatrics, Oct. 25, 1-10. doi: 10.1017/S104161021800145X.
  26. Tsapanou, A., Vlachos, G.S., Cosentino, S., Gu, Y., Manly, J. J., Brickman, A.M., Schupf, N., Zimmerman, M. E., Yannakoulia, M., Kosmidis, M. H., Dardiotis, E., Hadjigeorgiou, G., Sakka, P., Stern, Y., & Scarmeas, N. (2018). Sleep and subjective cognitive decline in cognitively healthy older adults. Results from two cohorts. Journal of Sleep Research. Sept. 25. doi: 10.1111/jsr.12759.

Kosmidis, M. H. (2017). Challenges in the neuropsychological assessment of illiterate older adults. Language, Cognition, and Neuroscience, Special Issue on the Effects of Literacy on Cognition and Brain Functioning (Ed. L. Tyler). Published online 25 Sep 2017. doi.org/10.1080/23273798.2017.1379605

Kosmidis, M. H., Bozikas, V. P., Giannouli, V., Karavatos, A., & Fokas, K. (2012). Familial comorbidity of bipolar disorder and multiple sclerosis: Genetic susceptibility or causal relationship? Behavioural Neurology25, 341-349.

Vlahou, C. H., Kosmidis, M. H., Dardagani, A., Tsotsi, S., Giannakou, M., Giazkoulidou, A., Zervoudakis, E., & Pontikakis, N. (2012). Development of the Greek Verbal Learning Test: reliability, construct validity, and normative standards. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 28, 52-64.

Kosmidis, M. H., Giannakou, M., Garyfallos, G., Kiosseoglou, G., & Bozikas, V. P. (2011). The impact of impaired Theory of Mind on social interactions in schizophrenia. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society17, 511-521.

Kosmidis, M. H., Zafiri, M., & Politimou, N. (2011). Literacy vs. formal schooling: Influence on working memory. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology26(7), 575-582.

Kosmidis, M. H., Giannakou, M., Messinis, L., & Papathanasopoulos, P. (2010). Psychotic features associated with multiple sclerosis. International Journal of Psychiatry, .

Kosmidis, M. H., Tsotsi, S., Karambela, O., Takou, E., & Vlahou, C.H. (2010). Cultural factors influencing performance on visuoperceptual neuropsychological tasks. Behavioural Neurology23, 245-247.

Bozikas, V. P., Giazkoulidou, A., Hatzigeorgiadou, M., Karavatos, A., & Kosmidis, M. H. (2008). Do age and education contribute to performance on the Clock Drawing Test? Normative data for the Greek population. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology30, 199-203.

Kosmidis, Μ. (2008). Clinical Neuropsychological Assessment. Athens: Parisianou Scientific Publications.

Kosmidis, M. H., Aretouli, E., Bozikas, V. P., Giannakou, M., & Ioannidis, P. (2008). Studying social cognition in patients with schizophrenia and patients with frontotemporal dementia: Theory of mind and the perception of sarcasm. Behavioral Neurology19, 65-69.

Zafiri, M., & Kosmidis, M. H. (2008). Effects of demographic factors on the “Stroop conflict”. Psychology: Journal of the Hellenic Psychological Society, Special Issue: Psychometric Assessment: Applications to Neuropsychology and Education, 15, 319-341.

Bozikas, V. P., Tonia, T., Andreou, C., Fokas, K., Karavatos, A., & Kosmidis, M. H. (2007). Impaired perception of affective prosody in remitted patients with bipolar disorder. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences19, 436-440.

Kosmidis, M. H., Bozikas, V. P., Giannakou, M., Anezoulaki, D., Fantie, B., & Karavatos, A. (2007). Impaired affect perception in schizophrenia: A differential deficit. Psychiatry Research, 149, 279-284.

Giannakou, M., & Kosmidis, M. H. (2006). Cultural appropriateness of the Hooper Visual Organization Test? Greek norms. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology28, 1023-1029.

Kosmidis, M. H., Bozikas, V. P., Giannakou, M., Anezoulaki, D., & Karavatos, A. (2006). Impaired affect perception in schizophrenia: A differential deficit. Psychiatry Research.

Kosmidis, M. H., Tsapkini, K., & Folia, V. (2006). Lexical processing in illiteracy: Effect of literacy or education? Cortex42, 1021-1027.

Bozikas, V. P., Andreou, C., Giannakou, M., Tonia, T., Anezoulaki, D., Karavatos, A., Fokas, K., & Kosmidis, M. H. (2005). Deficits in sustained attention in schizophrenia but not in bipolar disorder. Schizophrenia Research78, 225-233.

Duncan, C. C., Kosmidis, M. H., & Mirsky, A. F. (2005). Closed head injury-related information processing deficits: An event-related potential analysis. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 58, 133-157.

Kosmidis, M. H., Bozikas, V., Vlahou, C. H., Kiosseoglou, G., Giaglis, G., & Karavatos, A. (2005). Verbal fluency in institutionalized patients with schizophrenia: Age-related performance decline. Psychiatry Research134, 233-240.

Kosmidis, M. H., Tsapkini, K., Folia, V., Vlahou, C. H., & Kiosseoglou, G. (2004). Semantic and phonological processing in illiteracy. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 10, 818-827.

Kosmidis, M. H., Vlahou, C. H., Panagiotaki, P., & Kiosseoglou, G. (2004). The Verbal Fluency Task in the Greek population: Normative data and clustering and switching strategies. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society10, 164-172.


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